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Changing role of teacher

By Khan

Changing role of teachers in the 21st century, The Role Of Teacher In Idealism, The
Role Of Teacher In Realism
, The Role Of Teacher In Pragmatism, A
Good Teacher and Effective Teaching
, what is The Role Of Teacher, teachers

Changing role of teacher

nation depends on the moral and economic development on the activities and the
role of their teachers. They are the foundation builder of a nation and
students are the very important material for that foundation. In is school,
college or university, a qualified teacher is the builder of a student. The
teachers are the people who create leaders for tomorrow. If teachers fail to
discover the eternal power of students, the student fails and as a result the
whole nation fail and the country fall apart. As it is said you give me good teachers
I will give you a great nation.

education system and the students of the 21st century have changed with the
integration and development of new technologies. The twenty first century education
system depends on Information Media and internet. In today emphasis is all
about the development of thinking Skills, deductive and indicative skills and
Interpersonal Skills. The present education system emphasis on the moral and
career building skills of the students. Now there has no value for rote
learning. Today needs are to meet the industry needs. To clarify, the teaching
will be considered effective when a student use the classroom experiences in
real life situations.

role of teachers in the 21st century

changing the world and digitization, the role of the teachers is more essential
than ever to compete with other developed nations of the world. The teacher of
the twenty-first century will be a teacher of state of the art skills

the passage of time and new of technologies, the teacher’s role has changed significantly.
The digital era see the following changes in the role of a teacher in the 21st

Role of a Teacher

  • The teacher is the key in the process,
    the teacher and pupils have a major role.

  • Schools are one of the first places
    where kid’s behavior and future educational success is shape.

  •  Teachers are carriers of either positive
    or negative behavior toward students.

  • The reason why the first years of school
    are so critical is because kids learn the base of their educational life.

  •  Teachers are the second mothers for the
    students because students spend a lot of time with their teachers.

  • Teacher is someone who becomes through
    many years of training and experiences in the field.

  • Teacher brings considerable changes in the
    attitude and behavior of the students to achieve the national targets.

  • The role of the teacher is changing with
    the change in the philosophy of nation.

  • He / she has different role in different
    philosophies and times.

  • It is clear that he is the pioneer of
    method of learning process.

  • Learning process is incomplete without
    his share.

  • The teacher must create a warm and
    protective environment but at the same time professional.

Role of Teacher in Idealism

  • According to Idealist teacher should be
    a model.

  • The teacher will have to develop the
    basic characteristic in personality of the pupils.

  • The individual is passive while teacher
    is active in this process.

  • The teacher will be a friend of students
    and a complete understanding of them.

  • The teacher will process professional
    excellence and mastering of subject matter.

  • Developing  The Basic Characteristic In Personality

Role of Teacher in Realism

  • The teacher will act as a guide in this process;
    the pupils will have a central place.

  • Teacher should help the students to lead
    a balance and useful life.

  • The teacher will give true knowledge of
    the world.

  • Develop the potentialities and regards
    for values.

  • Teacher Guides In This Process

Role of Teacher in Pragmatism

  • Student is the center for pragmatists in
    the learning process.

  • Teacher must as a guide not an
    autorotation or disciplinarian.

  • The teacher should be full of ideas and
    plan the activities of the student.

  • Teacher will give instructions only when
    the child finds of a difficulty in learning.

  • Freedom will be given to students to
    more about in the class.

  • The student will be active in the
    process of learning.


  • Gone are the days when a teacher would
    be considered as a dreadful, harsh, aristocratic and non-friendly
    personality by the students.

  • The teacher of the older days would not
    take the pains to learn much and impart knowledge to others.

  • He never tries to refresh his knowledge
    and undertake courses to know something more.

  • Some of the teacher either do not use or
    do not know to use certain audio-visual aids.

  • Mostly teacher use rod or give corporal
    punishment to students when they do some mistake without knowing the
    effect of using rod.

  • This fear of the teacher and his being a
    man to take always a punitive action, majority of the children would
    either run away from the schools or would not make satisfactory progress
    in their learning.

  • Because tension and unfriendly attitude
    as well as atmosphere has never been conducive to learning.

  • In the past, students rely on teacher
    for knowledge and information.

  • The teachers used to be the major source
    of knowledge, the leader and educator of their students' school life.

  • Besides books, teacher is the only
    source of information.

  • The main role of teacher is just to
    educate the student. They don’t have any concern with student’s family, no
    care for the psychological equilibrium of the pupils, did not help their
    social integration and did not listen and solve their problems .Infect
    there is a large gap between teacher and student.

Century Classroom vs 21st Century Teaching

  • As educational leaders, classroom
    teachers, students and parents will agree, 21st century teaching carries
    with it a complicated mix of challenges and opportunities.

  • Challenges include the issues of teacher
    turnover, accountability, changing student populations and student
    expectations, mounting budget pressures, and intense demand to build
    students’ 21st century skills.

  • In the fast changing world of the early
    21st century public education is also changing.

  • As part of the changes the role of
    schools and education will also be different both in the educational
    system and in the society.  Together
    with them the role of teachers will also change.

Makes a Good Teacher?

            Thomas Peacock in his article “Native Students Speak What
makes a good teacher?” states that a teacher should possess two kinds of

  • Teaching

  • Personal

Peacock indicates “teaching characteristics include having cultural knowledge,
being interested in students, listening and understanding to their problems and
using multiple approaches to solve them.

  • Personal characteristics include being
    caring, being friendly, having patience and respecting students.”

  • New social challenges and demands toward
    education and teachers change schools into institutions with modern aims
    and social contracts.

  • “We want our teachers to be highly
    effective. A teacher can be highly qualified but still not very effective.
    That’s why we had to start thinking more comprehensively about how we are
    going to step into a digital learning environment to strengthen our
    professional development and support.”  ( John Canuel  Jefferson County School  District Colorado)

  • Strong, healthy connections with
    prosocial adults have been identified as the key protective factor
    buffering children against the negative influence of adversity (Benard,
    1991; Brook et al.,   1990; Hawkins
    etal., 1992). 

A Good Teacher and Effective

  • Effective teaching has to be fluid and
    adaptive to current culture.

  • The effective teacher understands that
    there are core skills and knowledge that have to be learned, but must be
    presented in a manner that students find relevant, even if not in their
    immediate lives.

  • This requires an art and a science to
    teaching that makes the teacher of the 21st Century effective.

  • Students across the achievement and
    socioeconomic spectrum need and deserve motivating, supportive
    instructional environments, engaging content, and the opportunity to learn
    in settings that support collaboration with peers, teachers, and the
    larger world community.

  • Students today live digitally every day.

  • They use the Internet, text messaging,
    social networking, and multimedia fluidly in their lives outside of school
    and they expect a parallel level of technology opportunity in their
    academic lives.

  • There is a disconnection between the way
    students live and the way they learn, and student engagement ultimately
    suffers. Closing this gap is a challenge for our current school systems.

  • Technological Role In A Class


Since the role of the
teacher and the context of teaching have changed significantly, the new
resources (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) are required to practice the professionalism
in teachers. Certification in a given field or subject is no longer the sole
qualification needed for teaching  in order
to be considered competent for teacher job. To qualify as a teacher one must
acquire the more complex competencies of teaching learning process.

 The role of teacher changed from a curriculum
implementer to a curriculum developer, curriculum designer, curriculum planner,
and curriculum evaluator. Teacher of modern era needs knowledge of IT skills,
current affairs, international trends, economic trade, defense and other
aspects related to general life. Have knowledge of new era and its demands and
have a vision of the contemporary social issues, the religious affairs and
moral issues, and their solutions.

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