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Demonstration method

By Khan

Key words; Demonstration
Characteristic of
demonstration method
, Steps
needed for Demonstration method
, How to Conduct Demonstration? Merits
of demonstration method
, Demerits of demonstration method, Planning
and preparation of demonstration


The word demonstration means
to give a demo or to perform the activity. In demonstration method, the teacher
teaches his students using demonstration method in a systematic and a step by
step process. Demonstration method is practical ways of teaching; in this
method teacher perform an activity to teach his student a concept, this often occurred
when students find it difficult to connect theories to actual practice and when
students are unable to understand the theories and its applications.

demonstration is a
teaching method used to
communicate an idea with the aid of visuals such as flip charts, posters, power
point, etc. A demonstration is
the process of teaching someone how to make or do something in a step-by-step
process. As you show how, you “tell” what you are doing”.

To achieve success in demonstration
method the teacher need to do three things which are necessary for this method.

The object displayed for demonstration should
visible to all students

The demonstrator should use clear language and
step by step procedure so the students understand the concept of demonstration easily.

The pupils should be given the chance to ask question
from teachers to clear their concept and difficulties about the topic.

Characteristic of
demonstration method

The demonstration should be done in a step by
step and simple way

In demonstration method , attention should be
given to all students

The aims and goals should be clearly stated and
any objections related to  demonstration as

A well-planned strategy should be devise for demonstration

Steps needed for Demonstration

Planning and preparation or
How to Conduct Demonstration

Demonstration method needs
proper planning for effective demonstration. Keep the following points in mind
before given demonstration to students.

  • Comprehensive preparation of the subject
    matter by the teacher

  • Advance lesson planning before

Plan demonstrations of the correct length to
do the job on time

Make sure that materials, tools, Sheets, and
other required items for demonstration at hand and properly arranged

Explain the objectives of the demonstration
and develop interest in students

Tell students the important points to look
for in the demonstration

Explain the new terms and parts of the demonstration

Supplement the demonstration with visual aids
whenever possible

Make sure that students can see the object of
demonstration and hear clearly

During demonstration the teacher should face students
and talk to them

Form connections with previous and future lessons
if possible

Perform the demonstration at correct pace for
clear understanding

Perform all operations skillfully and in
proper sequence

Refrain from holding up the progress of the
whole group for a few who may not understand.

Ask questions during demonstrations to check:
understanding of the students

Encourage students to ask: questions during
the demonstration if it does not interfere with the sequence of the

Stress on safety rules and precautions for

Select students to aid with demonstrations
when feasible

 Summarize key points of the demonstration to

Check the performance of each student after
the demonstration by asking questions

Disseminate Job Operation Sheets at
appropriate time

  • Arrange and collect material related to
    the topic of demonstration

  • Rehearsal by demonstrator

 Introducing the lesson

Introduction of the topic is
very necessary, the teacher should make the Introduction interesting to motivate
students and prepare them mentally for the demonstration.

While introducing the lesson
to students the teacher should keep in mind the following factors.

  • Environment of the classroom

  • individual differences of students

  • Experiences of the students

The teacher can start the lesson with an
experiment to make it interesting for the students

The teacher can start the lesson with a
common event or a story

The experiment should be able to grab the
attention of students

 Presentation of subject matter

In demonstration method the presentation of subject
matter is very important

In demonstration method the principle of
reflecting thinking should be kept in mind.

In demonstration method The teacher should relate
the current topic  to the previous
knowledge of the students


The performance of the
teacher in the demonstration should be ideal and interesting for the student.

The demonstration should be neat and clean
and visible to all students

Teaching Aids

The teacher can also use different
teaching aids like graphs, models, blackboard during demonstration.


The evaluation is the most important step of
the demonstration, in this step teacher evaluate the result of his demonstration
and get feedback from the students

Merits of demonstration


helps students to understand the topic easily


helps students in teaching learning process and keep them active


leads to concrete  learning


use the principles of reflective thinking


helps to motivate students in teaching learning process

Demonstration method
arouses the spirit of discovery in students


imparts maximum knowledge to students

Demerits of demonstration

Students are not involved in practice
therefore they cannot benefit directly and gain personal experiences because teacher
carry out the demonstration


is costly because it requires costly materials


is time-consuming method


is not based on learning by doing but rather by seeing


does not provide training for the scientific method


lack of experienced teachers to carry out the demonstration


It is the suitable method
for teaching at the secondary classes. Teacher can ask students to complete the
task on time and for the topic where he can’t use Demonstration method, he can use other methods to explain the concept.
The can ask a group of Students to demonstrate the experiment.  




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